Self Care for the Holidays
Self-Care Check List
Hello Friends,
Holidays are wonderful, nostalgic, difficult, emotional, sad, exhausting, and everything in between.
I am giving everyone a way to do a daily “inventory.” It is one way to see an overall picture of how you are doing emotionally. You can make copies and check in daily or once a week or month depending on what is going on in your life. In high stress times, daily checking will be helpful, at other times going over this list once a month may be sufficient.
I have two rules for myself as a daily check in; make my bed when I get up in the morning and hang up my clothes at night. When I fail to do either of these, it is a red flag for me that something is going on that needs my attention.
You can choose four options: yes (Y), no (N), frequently (F), or seldom (S).
Am I:
__ Maintaining appropriate daily routines?
__ Setting and achieving daily and long-term goals?
__ Taking time for personal care?
__ Setting and sticking to limits with children and others?
__ Doing constructive planning?
__ Using appropriate decision-making and problem-solving efforts?
__ Choosing behaviors instead of reactive behaviors?
__ Well-rested?
__ Resentment-free?
__ Accepting (versus denying)?
__ Neither controlling others nor feeling controlled by them?
__ Open to appropriate constructive criticism and feedback?
__ Free of excessive criticism of self and others?
__ Experiencing gratitude versus self-pity and deprivation?
__ Responsible financial decisions (not over- or under-spending)?
__ Using appropriate nutrition (not over- or under-eating)?
__ Not escaping or avoiding through work, spending, sex, or relationships?
__ Being self-responsible instead of blaming others, bad luck, etc.?
__ Valuing my wants and needs?
__ Being free of anxiety and fear?
__ Being free of guilt and shame?
__ Being free of worry and obsession?