All families operate as a system.  The relationships between members ebbs and flows but there is usually a pattern to them. When there is damage to the fabric of the family, what impacts one individual will impact the whole system. In working with a family and/or extended family, we begin to identify the systems that work and the systems that don’t.  Together, we can make a plan towards greater health.  I have been doing a Family Reconciliation Process for the past 10 years. It is a gentle, educational, interesting and frequently fun process.  We use multi-generational family trees.  We look for the traits that persist in families as they flow down to individuals today. We also look for histories of trauma.

Although the process has therapeutic value, it is not therapy.  It is a reconciliation process which may lead some members to go into deeper areas that therapy can address.  However, it does give the individuals the language to discuss what is happening to both their exterior and internal lives. 

Is it necessary to have the whole family gather to do the process?  It is certainly the goal, but it can also start with one individual who would like to learn more about this wonderful path to emotional freedom.

For those individuals who feel that they were harmed by their families of origin, we can look at the family system, family history and at that point help the individual to first seek therapy.

We are in the stew together, and the carrots and the potatoes need not argue over who is hotter or more important.
— Kat Leigh Willis, PhD

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